Nice one.My country is seriously screwed,but we do have some good rock music.Or did,anyway.The most famous type of music in our country at the moment is f***ing idiotic.It stands for most of the things I hate : stupidity,bitching,"wannabe gangsta" themes,extremely crappy instrumentals and no sense in the lyrics.At all.This sorry excuse for a sound is called chalga . You can educate yourself more
here . Read up.You'll think they're exaggerating.They're not.Anyway,rant over.
Examples of good BG music commencing.
Б.Т.Р - Елмаз и стъкло / B.T.R - Diamond and glass
[Click Here]
Сигнал - В друго време,в друг свят / Signal - In another time,in another world
[Click Here]
Щурците - Среща / The Crickets - Appointment
[Click Here]
Ревю - 200 / Review - 200
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Ахат - Черна овца / Ahat - Black sheep
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Атлас - Кукла / Atlas - Doll
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Д2 - Ледено Момиче / D2 - Icy[Frozen] girl
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And for something fairly recent.It's harder compared to the others.
Odd Crew - Fallen Down
[Click Here]