Originally Posted by Hyde View Post

Marriage: the formal union of a man and a woman, typically as recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.

People were united, but as history has shown time and time again, it wasn't marriage, and it was just a union.

marriage is very specific. it is specifically the bolded definition above.

Also, you do realize how long it took to end slavery, right?

You're main complaint seems to be the word, why do you rush to defend a word so valiantly, but not the rights of other humans?
The definition of a citizen did not include negroes, and the definition was changed to defend civil liberties, we can't do the same for marriage?

Originally Posted by Axelitis13 View Post
hm..I don't think they should marry :O
When they get a yes next time come strange people and ask to marry a dog or another animal :O
no...just no

Yeah, first niggers, now faggots, then animals!

^Satire, don't taze me bro!
That's the same argument racists made against interracial marriages.