Original Post
[Rvng] Revenge.

Hello, and welcome to Revenge.
Our clan tag is [Rvng].
Feel free to visit our IRC; #Rvng.

Our bank's name is: RvngBank.
The current ammount of TC on the bank is: 9,041.
Dilara - 10,000 TC
Termic8 - 15,100 TC
Kreat0r - 23,000 TC
Vodka - 5,000 TC
Deividu13 - 3,000 TC
David - Full orc
Castra - 2,000 TC
Diablo - 4,150 TC
Arsbi - 1241 TC
redtube - 5,000 TC

Once there was a war so big it tore apart the world between the forces of good and evil but the good had an advantage they had someone that would strike fear into every living evil being’s heart, this was David. Not even he could last much longer in this war that had gone on for what seemed an eternity so he went into hiding just as evil darkened every country, city, village, nook and alley. When he came out he sort out only one thing. The one thing that had been in his mind for those long milleneas REVENGE, woe but the war was a long time ago many people now call it the medieval times a deadly and gruesome time where only the hardest survived. Although he did pick out the best and most skilled fighters in all of the world EmpireSlay, Alex1909 and lukester11 and made them swear to take REVENGE on every single one of those evil beings that now walk upon this earth. These 4 stride the Earth looking for their pray once it was their turn to play run and hide but now it’s there’s. So now they look for fighters and people that can hold out against evil. David and his friends will rise up and hold everything in their very hands and call it REVENGE!!

Our aim is listed below:

Get five members [X].
Get ten members [X].
Get fifteen or more members [X].
Host one event [X].
Host five events [X].
Host ten or more events [X].
Raise 10,000 TC [X].
Raise 25,000 TC [X].
Raise 50,000 TC [X].
Raise 100,000 TC or more [ ].
Become respected [ ].
Become well known [ ].
Become official [ ].

Be respectful to both members and non-members.
Be active;
Forum - at least one post per two days.
In-game - at least one hour per day.
IRC - at least one hour per day.
Do not troll.
Do not spam.
Do not flame.

Disobeying these rules will result in:
1. Warning.
2. Warning.
3. A kick from the clan.

If you want to join, fill in the following application.

Forum activity:
In-game activity:
IRC activity:
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason):
Best mods:
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining):
Why you want to join:
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making):
Any additional info about yourself:

Remember to make the application as convincing as possible. Be specific.
We'll watch your join date and posts too. But since you can't change that, it won't affect your chances of joining that much.
If I feel you're not active enough on the forums, I'll test you in-game.
Feel free to request a function as Co-Leader, but the chances of getting it would be smaller than if you were to apply for regular member.

Example of a good application:
This is an example app that was requested by David.
Name:Hello, My name is Termic8, or most may call me Drake.
Forum activity:My forum activity would be around 8-9/10.
In-game activity:My in-game activity would be at 10/10
IRC activity:My IRC activity would be around 9-10/10
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason):I have not had any infractions.
Timezone:My Timezone(GMT) would be -5.
Best mods:My best mods are: Judo, AikidoBigDojo, and Wushu_Pro
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining):My current belt is Brown Belt. But I am almost a Black Belt.
Why you want to join: I want to join Revenge because it is an all around good clan, and could become very well known.
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making): My talent is Replay Making
Any additional info about yourself: Some other information about myself is that I am 15, athletic, goes outside to get some fresh air every 30 minutes to an hour, to not keep myself in my house all day.



Elite member:




Originally Posted by David View Post
You can now apply for ANY rank, if you want to be promoted.
The application will be freestyle, just convince me to promote you.

Good luck.

Single allies:

Clan allies:

As for enemies, you'll know if we dislike you.

RevengeBetting - 16/∞
RevengeTourney - 5/∞
RevengeHotseat - Yet to come.

[Rvng] 7 - 2 [UssR]

[Rvng] 9 - 2 [Extreme]

[Rvng] 3 - 8 [one]

[Rvng] 6 - 3 [CW]

[Rvng] 6 - 2 [UssR]

[Rvng] 4 - 1 [one]

[Rvng] 6 - 4 [TE]

[Rvng] 6 - 3 [TE]

[Rvng] 4 - 4 [SyN]

[Rvng] 4 - 3 [TPC]

[Rvng] 5 - 3 [S]

[Rvng] 1 - 6 [S]

[Rvng] 4 - 4 [one]

[Rvng] 3 - 5 [Fr_Death]

[Rvng] 7 - 3 [iCoF]

[Rvng] 4 - 4 [UTM]

[Rvng] 5 - 2 [S]

[Rvng] 2 - 6 [PsY]

[Rvng] 3 - 6 [UTM]

[Rvng] 1 - 8 [UssR]

[Rvng] 6 - 2 [one]

[Rvng] 0 - 4 [one]

[Rvng] 8 - 1 [SyN]

[Rvng] 5 - 4 [Secret]

Current position in Tori Clan: 1.

Userbars, banners and logo's are made by Hycx.
Only successful servers are added in the events list.
Last edited by David; Jul 23, 2011 at 02:18 PM. Reason: Userbars.
Zazo has joined Revenge.
XOXOXOX has joined Revenge.
Stich has joined Revenge.
Noobie has joined Revenge.
ouw has left Revenge.
HxyC has joined Revenge.
Pwnage102 has been promoted to Elite member!
CrabWithShovel has been added to single allies.
Weeman01 has joined Revenge.
Matt76 has been added to single allies.
Hycx has been promoted to Elite member!
Termic8 has left Revenge.
Pwnage102 has been promoted to Recruiter!
Redtube has been promoted to Co-Leader!
Agentmax has been promoted to Co-Leader!
thedevill has been added to single allies.
Androidex has joined Revenge.
Nickone has joined Revenge.
Pwnage102 has joined Revenge.
Kreat0r has left Revenge.
Antei has left Revenge.
rickyz has joined Revenge.
uJelly has joined Revenge.
Redtube has been promoted to Elite member!
Agentmax has been promoted to Elite member!
Antei has joined Revenge.
Kreat0r has joined Revenge.
CaptnFalcn has joined Revenge.
Temux has joined Revenge.
Hycx has joined Revenge.
Elromn has joined Revenge.
ouw has joined Revenge.
pwnsors102 has been added to single allies.
Agentmax has joined Revenge.
Diablo has left Revenge.
Noobish123 has been added to single allies.
Bubbyzane has been promoted to Recruiter!
Termic8 has been promoted to Co-Leader!
B45 has left Revenge.
ChessHire has joined Revenge.
ChessHire has been added to single allies.
FBi69 has joined Revenge.
Deividu13 has been promoted to Recruiter!
Lukester11 has been promoted to Recruiter!
B45 has been promoted to Elite member!
Hit has been added to clan allies.
EmpireSlay has left Revenge.
Naaier has left Revenge.
B45 has joined Revenge.
Moonblink has joined Revenge.
Taco901 has joined Revenge.
Bubbyzane has joined Revenge.
ANDROIDex has joined Revenge.
rickyz has been added to single allies.
PhoenixWing has been added to single allies.
zyxoonix has joined Revenge.
Termic8 has joined Revenge.
Jire has been added to single allies.
Naaier has joined Revenge.
Vodka has been added to single allies.
Redtube has joined Revenge.
Revenge now has 15 members.
LittleMod has joined Revenge.
thdupidguy has joined Revenge.
Malik700 has joined Revenge.
Demmon4 has joined Revenge.
Wireless has been added to clan allies.
Revenge now has ten members.
Revenge has raised 25,000 TC.
exitmrhat has joined Revenge.
hopperr has joined Revenge.
Kreat0r has been added to single allies.
Revenge has hosted five events.
marccod has been added to single allies.
pal has been added to single allies.
Toranders has joined Revenge.
Votix has joined Revenge.
Travor has been kicked out of Revenge!
Sparkly has been added to single allies.
b34 has left Revenge.
DuckOnQuack has joined Revenge.
Alex1909 has quit Revenge.
EmpireSlay has been promoted to Elite member!
Demonic has been added to clan allies.
Chemistarian has been added to single allies.
VSauce has joined Revenge.
EmpireSlay has joined Revenge.
lukester11 has joined Revenge.
Alex1909 has been promoted to Elite member!
B45 has been promoted to Co-Leader!
Alex1909 has joined Revenge.
DarkPride has been kicked out of Revenge!
Deividu13 has joined Revenge.
Revenge has raised 10,000 TC.
Revenge has hosted one event.
Revenge now has five members.
Travor has joined Revenge.
DarkPride has joined Revenge.
Extreme has been added to clan allies.
b45 has joined Revenge.
d3athd3mon is now a trial member.
exitmrhat has been added to single allies.
DeathDeeler joined Revenge.
Tint has been added to clan allies.
B45 has been added to single allies.
Nivek32 has been added to single allies.
Dilara has been added to single allies.
INA has been added to clan allies.
p0pcorn has been added to single allies.
Yiazmat has been added to single allies.
Olympus has been added to clan allies.
ANDROIDex has been added to single allies.
SyN has been added to clan allies.
Newest first
Last edited by David; Jul 22, 2011 at 05:41 PM. Reason: moar news
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
Good luck with the clan, David. Requesting allies with [SyN].
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Originally Posted by ANDROIDex View Post
yeah requesting for single allies to;
good luck bro

Sure, accepted.
And thanks.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
David, you left two seconds after I finished the bar. ;~;

Here you go.

[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today

Forum activity:Today
In-game activity:Today
IRC activity:Today
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason):None
I do not understand
Best mods:Aikido and FreeRunning
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining):BlackBelt
Why you want to join:
I want to help the clan grow
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making):Replays Making and Art
Last edited by ThixDxC; Apr 23, 2011 at 11:26 PM.

Thix:Timezone is like gmt -5 or eastern.
Forum and game activity is like, "my activity on forums is 6/10, and im active on game 9/10.