Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
So you believe that every reaserch organisation is privatised and works for profit?

Not every. A great deal are.

Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
Regarding unnecessary goods ; I think you're overinterpreting Marx there. Did you ever hear of a communist government that banned sugar because there were more effective ways to give enough glucose to people? Besides, it's not becaue he invented the concept that his words are written in stone.

The chocolate milk thing was just an example. The concept still applies.

Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
You're referring to a disfunctional communist society ; Animal Farm criticises totalitarism and specifically stalinism more than communism. The fact that inequalities are systematically found in communist countries is because they're often the result of a coup after an oppressive capitalist regime. Then the military leaders who orchestered it are obviously put in power and taking the military approach ; they realise that order would last much longer in a dictatorship. Dictatorships lead to corruption, inequalities and oppression ; they are not communist of thought.

Under the definition of Communism in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production

Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
Consider a democratically elected communist party, where would the inequalities come from? When the people have the power, they are able to hold a barrier every time the government becomes to authoritarian.

Communism itself remains a totalitarian form of government. Socialism is probably what you're referring to.

Which is confusing, since Capitalism is economic and Communism is a government. Shouldn't the debate be more centered towards Capitalism v. Socialism?