Original Post
[S/T]Static force
i'm willing to trade it for a set of force and lax,flame or full set
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Originally Posted by RaiKen21 View Post
(mksdnya bukan spam ya)wkakakka!! baru dapet langsung di jual .. ga di pamerin dulu sm strikas? =3


oh and warrior lax + 5k for the static force
jire:lol no
raiken:udah gw foto tenang aja
phasmal:you understand indonesian?and no for your offer
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Originally Posted by WillyBash View Post
phasmal:you understand indonesian?and no for your offer

Nope, it just looked funny. ^^
I'm not exactly sure how much warrior lax is worth now, but a while ago it sold for 30k easily, which is why I'd ask you to reconsider. I suppose I could add even some more tc if you want, though.