a 14 year old girl I liked in my class just had sex with an 18 year old
So basically it is this. I have been observing our society lately and believe it is falling apart. Most 5th graders cuss, a 14 year old girl I liked in my class just had sex with an 18 year old, you're lucky if you can go to a school where you can find 300 people who haven't done drugs, most music is rap, which in "MOST" cases are about drugs, sex, money, and prostitution, and not to mention that people have lost all respect that has been building up for so many years. Do you guys agree with this? Tell me your input/personal stories.
[Edit] Also to mention that most middle school girls are slutty.
" A 14 year old girl I liked in my class just had sex with an 18 year old "
umm thats considered rape. Report that man, cause She is nowhere near old enough to give consent, and that dudes just a douche. Seriously report that dude.