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Americans, Evil Or Ignorant?
When people think of America they think of wealth, cheap clothes and fast food. Many people dont realise how ignorant Americans are, for example although all of America supproted the war in Iraq over a third of American believed Iraq was in Europe, therefore a third of Americans were actually supporting a war against europe. America has no health service there are thousands who are sick and dieing while had they been born in Britain they would have been treated by the state via the NHS. In America the gap between the rich and the poor is enormous but they keep the poor in their place by instilling in them from a young age that in America "the land of dreams anyone can be successful and rich all you have to do is work for it" hence the successful stories of the few poor people who become millionaires keeps the masses under control as everyone believes that one day they will make it. America is the biggest polluter in the world, yet it is doing nothing to cut carbon emmissions. Therefore, i submit to you that if global warming really does cause a catastrophy which brings about the end of the world America is mostly to blame and will go down in digital history (the only thing that could survive the end of the world would be digital information) as the last superpower which could have prevented the end of the world but didnt. I watch CNN and see America in wars with both Afghanistan and Iraq "spreading democracy" but i dont see any military action in countries such as Zimbabwe or Burma, if America really did go to war with a nation to liberate them from a dictator "not for oil" wouldnt such a benevolant country be more desperate to get in to Burma to help the millions affected by the cyclone? i forgot one thing aid costs money but cheap oil makes money, maybe that explains why America is happy to go through official channels before getting aid to Burma. Americans president George Bush has to be one of the most corrupt men in the history of the world he has the brains of a baby and the personality of a petulant teenager, but at least if hes in trouble he can always run to daddy. i dont see how Americans could have watched farenheight 911 a movie which Bush tried to ban and vote him back into office.... oh i forgot he won his office in the court not in the ballot box..... oh and the political orientation of the judge in question surely had nothing to do with the verdict. well his times almost up but 4 years from now im sure his brother will buy the next presidency and well have the Bush triumverant back again.... so again i ask you is America an Evil country or just an ignorant one?
Oh my.

First of all, these "1/3" things must be coming out of your ass or some extremely skewed survey, because it's bullshit. I have only met a few people who don't know where the general location and continent of Iraq is.

Secondly, one of the whole points and themes of the United States is having to seize your opportunities and economic Darwinism.

I do agree on the emissions issue, but that's our populaces fault. But we aren't the only ones.

And honestly, it most likely is about oil. It's also about alliances and beneficial connections. I don't see the issue with this, however.

And George Bush isn't president anymore. That's a shitty way to win an argument. It doesn't matter what he did anymore, it matters that we solve things now.

And this is very much a strawman argument. The United States isn't an ignorant or an evil country, and leaving no other option proves you're the ignorant one.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
I have only met a few people who don't know where the general location and continent of Iraq is.

Wait, you mean people like that really DO exist?
I thought youtube was just trollin'
The fact that you "only know a few" is bad enough

Originally Posted by Ruyzan View Post
i dont see any military action in countries such as Zimbabwe

Mugabe doesnt pose an international thread like Hussein did (and by sub class, Bin Laden/Taliban)

Originally Posted by Ruyzan View Post
Many people dont realise how ignorant Americans are, for example although all of America supproted the war in Iraq over a third of American believed Iraq was in Europe, therefore a third of Americans were actually supporting a war against europe.

Theyr supporting a war on the country, not the whole continent sparky...

Originally Posted by Ruyzan View Post
America is the biggest polluter in the world, yet it is doing nothing to cut carbon emmissions.

How many people Drive the Prius where youre from? my understanding is that theyr quite popular in the US.
If your ignorance comment is to be believed, then they believe that they are infact helping.
And find me a country that has made massive changes to cut carbon emissions.

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
The United States isn't an ignorant or an evil country

America isnt evil or ignorant
but youtube is a goldmine of the dumb ones that give the USA a bad name.
The impression we get is that the USA's populace is more ignorant than most.
Last edited by BenDover; Apr 27, 2011 at 12:42 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I have laughed today. If you want to spew fallacies like this out, go to some other website. Closed for obvious reasons, one being that this isn't discussion material.

Sorry if I cut you off while you were editing your post, BenDover.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee
