Original Post
need oficial answer!
  1. can i be banned for using "/SP" (some moderator promised it to me)
  2. should "/sp" be make unavailable
  3. can evrybody use "/sp" withot banning
I do not get this question.

Please clarify.

Sp is when you become spectator.

Why would you get banned for using a toribash command?

Also they should not make /sp unavailable because people think its cool to farm and if you don't sp when afk people farm off of you while your afk.
Never thought I would see you post on forums, but /sp is just going into spec (for if your going to the bathroom or some sort and won't be there for your match), if he told you not to use it, I have no idea what to tell you, but I can tell you that its not a cool thing to do in the middle of a fight and spec because you are going to lose, people might kick/ban you from the server if they have operator thats about it
look pls
Уникальные топы и антитопы
Нам с великим и грозным iLLepidus'ом доверили покопаться в базе данных всех игр в тори.
И по пути мы решили для каждого нашего соклана составить список врагов и список попяченных.
А именно: посмотрели на всех ваших оппонентов, вычли ваши победы над ними и ваши проигрыши.
И получилось достаточно любопытненько ;p

(нижний красный столбец - ваши враги. они вас колотят и обижают xD вобщем, я их всех записал - будем потихоничку банить.
А верхний целеный столбец - это те, кому нечего противопоставить против вашего скилла. Вы их мочите мизинцем левой ноги.
Зачеркнутые ники - хех, это значит farm detected)..."

it says that iLLepidus will ban strong players for the interest of his friends!!!!


iLLepidus promise to ban me if smb will complain on me (probably from his clan) when i used "sp" but at the same time all of his friends do it
so i asked him "Why would you get banned for using a toribash command?
" but he said that i have not right to use it!

i have been bunned already for "botting" (dont read and write in chat and so was quit) so

i think that now he ll ban me for "sp"

Banning for silence or mooves or using commands is ILLEGEL and such banner must be banned himself!

Last edited by me123ster; Apr 30, 2011 at 04:55 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I think he means constantly speccing when you're about to lose, not just speccing in general.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
to Numbers:
if you go and translate from russian link above
you'll understand what iLLepidus meant
to garr:
If someone became afk he goes SP automaticaly.
"SP" is used only by farmers who dont want to loose!
"SP" is unhealthy and unnecessary
but if someone use it for not to loose then all must have right to do similary (play'll degradate) to have equal chance!
Last edited by me123ster; May 1, 2011 at 08:33 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Its a more question of morality then technicality.
Your right to exploit /sp option toward the goal to keep your win ratio, rank, vanity and ego high, can't be taken from you. No one will ban you for that, unless there is a ''fair-play police'' out there, somewhere... ;P
But, rest assure, as u use this option for your selfish needs, you will gain somewhat of the ''red letter'' in the Toribash community, meaning: ppl will dislike you, avoid you and probably do the same thing to you. Your ''notoriety'' will be your downfall in the end.
Sitting in single player with Uke and talking with him like he is your best friend is the first sign you have gone too far with your ''/sp'' tactic. >P
to 80j4n
ok i agree with you that now it is more question of morality then technicality and distorting rank system
but i dont agree with you that right to exploit /sp option can't be taken from you
"sp" - lead us to degradation of game and must be excluded from toribash commands
As far as i know, /speccing when youre about to lose is not bannable, but frowned upon and pisses everyone off.
although obviously under unreasonable exploitation of the command, bans or infractions are understandable.

illep seems to be fed up with you. most people feel the same.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
me123ster, Toribash is very specific game. And like every multiplayer game, the fun u have within it depends on the ppl u play with.
Also, even if it is not written or rule, there is something in Toribash called... Well, it's called: sportsmanship. And like Doc Holiday said to Wyate Earp in ''Tombstone'': We are sportsmen, not a killers! Meaning: without good sportsmanship game crumbles like a tower made out of cards.
Although we decap each others, rip body parts and spill blood in it, Toribash is social bonding oriented game. You play it, chat and find someone in game you have fun with. Then you stick to that person(s) and make more friends, play the game in healthy competition and enjoy.
So, for that reason, its not how good u play it, but how good u behave in the game.
At, least, that is my merit.
If the spectate option would be removed, it would not change anything with the ''quiting mid game'' ppl problem.
They can just disconnect, leave room or close TB.
Find some friends, make a room and spend some quality time in the Toribash. Remove that image of a bot that everybody pins on you. Cause, if u don't ''open up'' nothing can be given.
See ya in game.