Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Very Important
Okay, Hamr and I discussed killing Legend due to lack of interest and activity. It will happen if we don't get some activity on the board and in game. If that's what you want, don't reply, and don't try. If you want it to live, like Hamr and I, respond saying you can do it. Not "I'll try" or some other crap, it's either you'll do it and Legend will live, or you won't and it will die. Your choice Legend. Make it a good one.
You all have until May 10th to post here. Have fun.
Last edited by Hamr; May 7, 2008 at 09:39 PM.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Originally Posted by Kai-FlyNinja- View Post
I'm still here.

TBH, I'd like a statement saying you will be active on the board and in game.

If > 50% of the clan does not respond, Legend will be killed and if there are more than 50% responded, those who didn't will be kicked, no mercy.
What's your excuse/reason/whatever else you would say to the topic of our inactivity?

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do

Or not ._.

When juo left, I was: well, we can still get back up, no biggie.
but now i see that ownz left for good? i mean...god.

sorry guys, i'd like to use this thread to announce that I'm leaving
not that i have nothing againts any of you, i just think the clan is going no where but the drain.

I hope I didn't disapoint any of you. :|
Last edited by DarkEnergy; May 8, 2008 at 02:00 AM.
Dark + Alex 7: Erasus. My last vid.
God dammit DE. This has happened with the last two clans I was in too.
I'm here tell Heeby goes, a clan without a leader is pointless. As for my reason, school. I've had a couple bad grade reports, and been kept off pc for a while. Still working on those grades too.
Sure I just got here, but I don't want Legend to die. D:
I'm active in IRC and on the forums, don't expect to see me ingame though.