Christmas Lottery
Original Post
I know there has already been 2 threads about this, but let's get everyone's msn here so that we can all keep in contact.

If you don't have a hotmail (or msn or gmail etc.) account, make one, and download msn messenger( You can talk to your friends and stuff

List of contacts:
Schec - scheczudio[at]hotmail[dot]com
JDawg - jdawg1020[at]gmail[dot]com
MatoX - matox1[at]o2[dot]pl

GoodMonkey -
Aviator -
Defyant -
Zimpy -
Leetsauce -
FriedRice -
Itachi1002 -
Last edited by scheczudio; May 7, 2008 at 12:47 PM.
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