Christmas Lottery
I have been banned zero times, and infracted 3 or 4 times, most of which were wibbles posts that didn't break any local rules.

I have dispensed countless bans, on the forums and IRC.
Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Got banned for a day by KitFoX for clan invasion at one point, that old YES clan that was based on sands shiftier than something that shifts a whole bunch.


Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
I have dispensed countless bans, on the forums and IRC.