Original Post
Infinity Epic Recruitment Center

[Post here your
Achievement Card]
Favorite mods:
Do you have any Art/
Video making skills?:
What can you offer us?:
Why do you want to
How often do you play
toribash? [1-7 days in
At least 3 single player
At least 3 multi player
Only English apps have
a chance to be
It's only Polish clan!
1. Don't post here app without all parts of it (for example, without replays).
2. You have to post your app in english (we want to check that you have abilities to talk with non-polish forum members and you won't bring us any shame).
3. Don't post without reason (we don't want to hear that you want to join 'because we are great clan', or you can offer us 'great fight' or 'free textures'. If you have no-qi void forces for the leaders, you're welcome).
4. After you'll post your app here and BEFORE ingame test, PM to someone of leaders (me, kamil303, MrNorbert) and tell us what you like, things that you don't like and rules you (dis)agree with. Fell free to give us some additional infos (it'll make our voting easier and it can help you get in into the clan (or it'll make it faster).

Applications breaking any of this rules will be automatically rejected.
ToP Fighter!

Name: in rl :Marcin // in game Yahumashi
Age: 22
Favorite mods: aikido bd, twin swords (any type & also katanas and same shits)
Do you have any Art/
Video making skills?: sure, i love to do graphic's and also made few films ;)
What can you offer us?:
Why do you want to
join?: bicouse im looking for some clan for a lot of time and also im friend of wook :P
How often do you play
toribash? [1-7 days in
week]: 6
At least 3 single player
replays: i dont have them cuz i had to clean my PC hard drive (had any bug )
At least 3 multi player
replays: -||-
Last edited by Yahumashi; Jun 25, 2011 at 11:16 PM.
Sorry, but i have to reject your application, because:
1. You didn't told us what can you offer us.
2. You didn't post any replays.
3. You didn't told us good reason, why would you like to join. Not only you know wook. Btw. Now he's known as MrNorbert (Wook were banned some time ago).

I won't accept application without all part of it. Before you re-applying check our recruitation rules.
ToP Fighter!

Name: Adam
Age: 14
Favorite mods: Aikido, Aikido bd, Twinswords, taekyyon.
Do you have any Art/ Video making skills?: Yes i have a little art making skill.
What can you offer us?: My fighting and art making skill.
Why do you want to join?: That is a great and only Polish clan.He has also a good members.
How often do you play toribash? [1-7 days in week]: everyday.
At least 3 single player replays:
At least 3 multi player replays:
Attached Files
little madman.rpl (135.4 KB, 2 views)
Splitcap.rpl (91.4 KB, 2 views)
walk.rpl (162.7 KB, 2 views)
concon fight.rpl (49.2 KB, 2 views)
aikido fight 4.rpl (49.3 KB, 2 views)
Elettor fight.rpl (76.7 KB, 2 views)
Name: Paweł
Belt: Black
QI: Maybe 1100
Age: 13
I can offer: Fighting
I want to join beacuse: I have Black Belt, and I haven't got clan!
I play 7 days on a week.
I can't host replays...
Jestem na NIE gdyż nie wypełniłeś całego podania i co to ma znaczyć "mam czarny pas itp." to tak jak bym napisał lubię jeść frytki bo są z ziemniaków
Jakiego nicku na pewno nie wybierze żyd??? Gaziu
Made by Kolega1010
I say "no" to WorldEater , your reason to join us is stupid. And also your app is incomplete. And Gaziu , i think we must write here in english ;).
Ja też jestem na nie, mając 1100 qi byłbyś chyba najmniej doświadczony z całego klanu, więc nie ma się czym chwalić, a to, że to twój pierwszy post od pół roku też za dobrze nie wróży na przyszłość. Daj edita i uzupełnij twoją aplikacje o replaye, to cię przetestujemy
Short, but understandably.

Rales - Yes, but i am not sure about your playing skills.
WorldEater - No, u didn't show us any replays and your application needs to be correct.

ToP Leader
OK OK but I little speak english ;/ I go to the tlanslator thats good teacher
Jakiego nicku na pewno nie wybierze żyd??? Gaziu
Made by Kolega1010