Not really.
Fate is just statistically higher. Luck merely means low odds.
That is just a question of definitions.
You could use a dictionary for that. :|
destiny: an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future
luck: an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
There is something called chance.
The existance of chance in physics is not even proven .
Are you trolling ?
No >.< I didn't mean to offend you?
Luck is just something with a low chance of happening, happening.
I think the thread should question whether fate exists, or if fate is silly talk.
You obviously don't know what you are talking about.
Definition is the basis for a conversation.
You can't go around asking about random things without using their definitions.
Physics are the natural law of everything, excluding them from a conversation does not make much sense either.
Show me a statistic that proves that fate is more probable than luck.
I dare you.
On topic: fate is non-existent and we can't prove it does exist (yet) so there's no point pondering it. Luck has nothing to do with Fate it is just a random event that we can't predict, finding $50 on the ground is luck.