Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Do you like TinTin?
Hey all you who like TinTin (I suppose so if you came to see the page). I read those a lot, only a few remain. So I would like to hear your opinion. What's the favorite story? Who's the favorite character? Tell me, I'm all ears!
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
I like the stories when it's a "whodunnit" type. And Snowy for the win.
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
It's a bit complicated for me to think which character is in question because in Finland the ames took off a bit but not much. Tintin is Tintti and Calculus is Tuhatkauno. But I liked the story where a stair was broken in Moulinzart and mr. Boullu didn't come to fix it no matter what until the end. =D
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
I hope you all know that Tintin is pronounced "Tan-tan" in the original French! I've gotten some looks from those in the know when I used to go around saying "Tin-tin". At this point I consider myself an official Tintinophile, I read them as a kid and now have the entire series including Tintin in the Congo and Tintin in the Land of the Soviets. I think that my favorite story is The Blue Lotus because it's where Hergé spent a lot of time researching the topic that he wanted to do a story on. Before Lotus he would just work day by day in little strips, but The Blue Lotus is a real planned out work of art.

As for my favorite character I'm caught between Captain Haddock and Skut!