Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Ezoroth View Post
My name is Nathan, and I have 2214 QI. I've only been banned once, for 5 days, because of Illegal Bumping and Delete Bumping.

The Delete Bump wasn't on purpose, and the bumping for toribash forums makes absolutely no sense

My timezone is CST, and I prefer AikidoBD, Aikido, or Katana (). Ingame, I'm active quite a bit, probably, a 7 or 8, but only a 2 or 3 on the forums. The most important Command on toribash? /en, /sp, and /em are generally my most used.

Maybe /lp 0 is thrown in

I'd like to join because box invited me, and I thought it would be cool to join. Also SyN looks pretty cool.

I am very competitive, and I hate to lose. I'm very defensive about my rank, and usually I play as my bank now, only gonig to this account whenever I want to win a tourney that has to do with items, and stuff of that nature. I also only get on this account when I really want to win... I donate when I have atleast 15K plus, or when I'm feeling generous. And I suck at making art and that stuff. Free play replays aren't really my style, but online I am very good.

In this one, I had gotten on the bottom, and got bored so I took a small risk and spun my leg under me, and then turning me around, I slam G1rl to the ground, stopping myself from dqing

Attachment 270522

Hehe, this one was funny. Both of our openers had little effect, but mine got me into a great position, so I used it, and slammed him to the ground, decaping him...

Attachment 270523

Here is what happens when my opener succeeds, and it is fun when it works perfectly. I even gave this guy a chance to beat me by not throwing him down until I brough him to the end of the ring, so sad

Attachment 270524

This next guy, DarkJack, was very smart, and kept on letting go and hitting me, to cause damage. SO I got an idea, and snuck my arm behind his head, and decaped him. That's what he gets when he plays that way against me.

He called me a noob right after :P

Attachment 270525

Hehe, Shmevins opener for decap. Note: I dominate that move with my opener, so never use it. Now, you may be wondering why I put this replay up and my own head came off. Watch closely, and see what I do.

Purposely, I slam his elbow into my head, knocking off my own head.

So technically, I was saying that I just beat him so badly I had to just, roll away...

Attachment 270526

yes from me
Last edited by Fachry; May 22, 2011 at 07:36 AM.
hayz : Fachry is kewl and i like him(in a non-gay way)