ManBreakfast to the rescue
First off, [DSC] is the tag you put in front of your thread's name, to let people know it's about your clan. You'd type in [DSC]Name at the prompt, and then get to work on your clan details.
Now, you can type out a backstory for the clan, list your members, what you hope to do with your clan, any rules it may have, how to join, and anything else your little heart desires. When you're done, post it so people can talk about your clan. You'll notice that if you're nice and helpful, people will like you and you'll make some good allies.
When you've done all that, you start gathering tc, because you pay 20000 toricredits to make your clan official. Another 50000 will get you a server, and you can do anything with it... except for farming toricredits and Qi. Recently people have tried that, and they were banned and their clan was given to their members. Not that I expect you to make the same mistake, I just don't want to have to take everything away from more members.
On a lighter note, that's all you really HAVE to do, but you can always add anything more you might want. Good luck