Originally Posted by
Who, from VorteX, invited you to post this application:No one
Time Zone:+2
Avg. time spent ingame/forums per day:i'm here 3 hours
Why do you wish to join:Iwant join in good clan
What might you contribute to VorteX:TC if my set shop will contribute with tc
Originally Posted by
Who, from VorteX, invited you to post this application:Xxmk1xX
Time Zone:+2
Avg. time spent ingame/forums per day:i'm here 35 hours
Why do you wish to join:Iwant join in good clan and im awesome player
What might you contribute to VorteX:TC if my set shop will contribute with tc
you can test me!
either your the same person or sleketep copied and pasted (red is the difference). Anyways, get to
blackbelt, get to
100 posts and get
invited to try again.