It's not a hack sadly, it's far more soul crushing.
Way back in 2009, a little faggot called Vladcasl somehow managed to get the login details for a few thousand accounts. We fixed all the mess, gave the people back their accounts & everyone was happy...
...Until this week. Vlad has handed the list he had to Jake/Tagknife/Fennic (or whatever else he calls himself). It turns out that even after having their accounts taken over most the people on the list haven't changed their passwords since it happened. Shin-Yami being one of them.
Seems Jake's been pretending to be them for a while now, at the same time as the account's real owner was using them. So yeah, it's pretty grim when you think about it. I'd guess that at least half the posts made my Shin-Yami weren't him.
Yeah, but I doubt it, seeing as Jim and I have both commented or at least acknowledged basically all posts he's ever made around here. :P
But who knows? Maybe this cocksucker stole our little child's MSN too? WHO ARE YOU, JIM?!