i hate those dreams where you'll have something that you really wanted but when you wake up, you ask yourself "where is it?"
I recently had a dream, I went to bed thinking about this girl who was murdered inbthe town I live in. It was a very serious thing, 3 people had been murdered by the same killer. A FBI agent had been investigating the case he disappeared and was never seen again. Anyway I went to sleep and I woke up in a room with red curtains and a strange jazz music was playing. All of a sudden I was 23 I was sitting in a red chair with a small dwarf man in a red suit he sat their and bobbled his head left to right and staired at me then this girl who was murdered walked out of the curtain walked over to me kissed me on the mouth and then told me some times my arms bend back and where I come from the birds sing a pretty song. Their voices sounded like reversed voices but were actually making sense. The girl then whispered In m ear the name of the killer. I then woke up but forgot his name. The scary thing is do you know where dreams come from. Actylcholine neurons fire high impulse charges into the forebrain the impulses become pictures these pictures become your dream but no one knows why we choose these pictures.