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Head Texture Not Loading
I have a head texture that doesn't load in game when I put it in as JPEG, JPG, GIF, even TGA! What do I do?
It's on the Toribash server: play a little bit online before you are sure it isn't showing up.
Is that it?

Originally Posted by nmilkosky View Post
It's on the Toribash server: play a little bit online before you are sure it isn't showing up.
Is that it?

Exactly! So are my feet textures, they aren't either..
You probably just need to wait a while. If it doesn't appear soon, then there may be something wrong.

You restarted Toribash right?
The texture updating process happens when you open Toribash.
Hi. I used to be a damn good mod (wayback 2008 and earlier) and then veb made me not a mod.
Been playing competitive Team Fortress 2.
meh once my head didnt load for 2 days... i wouldnt worry it will work eventually... this question gets asked alot... they should tell everyone all these things when they buy the damned texture
Check if other people can see your new textures.

If they can, then just put the files into your custom folder as head.tga, l_foot.tga, and r_foot.tga.

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Sometimes, at least for me, auto update doesn't recognize the textures (or something) and it aborts the upload. You could try uploading again, but I think stilf would be best for this question.

Still, could you paste what appears in your autoupdate log?
It might be called something else for windows users..
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