Original Post
A rant about FOX! News.
How much fox news sucks:

After 5 minutes of watching fox news, i began to wonder(out loud in a rageful manner). How the fuck do these pricks have the audacity to victimise themselves over the massacre in norway! These fucking degenerate cocksuckers masquerade about calling themselves conservative christians, *and they blame the liberal media for at least trying to make sense. Their ideals are not in the least bit right winged, due to a lack of better descriptive terms, their ideals are absolutely 100% fucking retarded with a steamy layer of bullshit on top. After watching these arsefaced hypocrites complain about the killer being recognized as a fundamentalist christian, despite his 1500 page manifesto that was riddled with many references to a new crusade(Oh shit, what was that? A crusade? A war against any "heathen" religions?). That sounds like a serious fucking pile of bullshit. That dumbass killed innocent people, much like the old christian crusaders, who killed people in the name of "God". The entirety of fox news is an empire with its foundations set neck deep in bullshit and hypocricy. The atrocity fox news committed by making these claims is far worse the one madman taking it upon himself to kill people. They spread this bullshit to anyone who listens, and its seriously fucking damaging if anyone takes their fucking bullshit seriously. Fox news is just as bad as anyone spreading harmful ideals. Holy shit. I am more then angry about what I just witnessed, I am fucking disturbed by the fact that they let rampant these cocksucking idiots on air. What has "conservatism" in america turned into? A bunch of fucking hipster fuckfaces who fucking victimize themselves over fucking everything that happens!? Hell, I'm surprised Bill O'Reilley didn't fucking sit their complaining for hours on end and victimizing conservative americans over the tragedy in japan. Its people like these fucking idiots who make me despise the fucking fact that i'm human. Its these fucking cunts who make me think any sort of religion is fucking irrational. If "god" made these fucking assholes in his own image, did he forget to chuck common decency and a decent fucking personality into the mix?! I'll rant more later, its almost 2 am and my rage is more or less presently dormant.
Fox news is the most biased and unreasonable news station I have ever seen. A bunch of hypocrites and retards. Why would you watch Fox news?
The only reason to see any of fox news is if you're watching it through either the Dailey Show, the Colbert Report, or similar outlets. If you're actually watching the channel, your IQ is dropping by the minute.

It's not a particularly great thing.
This is what happens when business and religion gets mixed. Or anything mixed with religion in general. The main plot of the madman who rampaged my country with a bomb and killing 87 people(most of them muslims) because of his religional hate. I don't like the muslims in my country in general but I sure as hell don't kill them all.

As for fox news they're the biggest company of bullshit I've heard of. I can't bring myself to even watch that crap.
Toribash TakeOVER
<Colossus> ROFL
<Colossus> my friend got hit by a car
<Colossus> gonna go visit him. brb

[22:45:46] <Thorn> I know she likes it in the ear
[22:45:53] <Thorn> because when I put it to her mouth she turns away
Fox appeals (normally) to the regular american mindset, which really is just a fifth of a regular mindset. It sells, what can they do. Where you hear "poor us for the guy in Norway", they hear "views critics scandal money critics". Don't take them seriously for any sort of news unless you're able to really extract the core information, "guy kills 90 something in Norway", and you're still better off racking up in news somewhere else.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan