Fiktor, press "show" on the spoiler box. The pictures are definitely showing.

Originally Posted by supahninja View Post
People get tired of beating up Uke over and over, and it's fun to race over some kind of an obstacle course. The old parkour mods got kinda boring pretty fast. Also, it's a lot more exciting (in my opinion) to watch a completed parkour replay, because it generally takes longer to make than, I dunno, a madman or splitcap etc. When I make a madman, I tend to think "okay, cool." Then I move on and do something else. But when I finish a parkour replay (which takes a lot longer) I think "whoa, this is great. But how can I make it even more realistic?" I have many, many replays where Uke ends up in pieces, but I have a lot fewer parkour replays, both because they take longer and are much harder to finish realistically, which means that the completed product gives more satisfaction to the creator.
Also, some people like throwing a bunch of blocks together and calling themselves modders. And I may or may not have been one of those people a while ago.

I feel this belongs somewhere special..

Originally Posted by JayStar View Post
If only I could free one to try them out!! They look real good by the way.

Thanks. What do you mean free one?

Added instructions to the first one on how to save the [code] as the mod.