Christmas Lottery
Original Post
And it comes to this...
I'm handing the control of the clan to you guys.

Apologies doesn't seem to be appropriate for this action. I feel that this is just a phase of any relationship...

As you know, I didn't do the recruiting for a majority of our members, so I can't quality check them... In fact, I went to servers to play and I see a [Freeze] tag on people only to find out they were recruited recently. I don't really know who most of the people in the clan are. It's because of this, I fear that we have recruited people with hard to manage personalities.

The original goal was to make a group of friends to share good times with. Somehow It was warped into "making a group to kick everybody's butt". I'm for kicking heiney myself, but that's not what a clan is. That is what a Klan is. (Hehe, white supremacist joke)

Second..... I am not leader material... I've been putting off leading since day one. Which is why I made Splunker leader... which in retrospect, wasn't such a good idea.

But I have a strong feeling that you can handle things... with people like Powelly and Kotten handling administrative duties.

I wanted to end the story of me like an old sea salt sinking with the rest of the ship, but.. I guess I'm not really capable of that.

See you all in game, in forum and someday in real life.

Friends till the end. But it's the end of me as [Freeze]avwave.

Yus, leaving.
Okay. I am not going to write anything epic 'n' poetrical as Avwave did. I am tired to this madness. I want a solid clan with great fellows, and I must say that THIS clan is not SOLID, thought most of you guys were great. I hope we can still be friends.
remember how I made a promise to make you leaders? well... have fun!

Actually I feel out of touch. Maybe it's the timezones. I'm still having issues with timezones. And the fact that I can't play TB for a good amount of time without being disconnected.
Please... Respect my decision, as I respect yours.

It was a week-long decision ever since I seen a lot of "I'm leaving" threads right after aipom left. I literally considered all options... I even considered merging with another clan. But I would just be kidding myself.

This does not mean that I'm leaving as in "I'm leaving, screw you guys!". I'm leaving as in "I'm leaving. Hope we can still be friends"

I hope we are and still are

PS. about Vizzy. We actually talked this over.... for quite a long conversation actually
Last edited by avwave; Jun 4, 2008 at 10:53 AM.