Highest DM decap possible on 3.3
Yep, decaped Uke at 1999 DM
And, whats funny is, it wasnt a very good kick XD
Title of Record: Highest DM decap possible on 3.3
Relevant Settings: DM: 1999, ED: 200
Mods Used: none
Sorry for double post, but i wanetd to point out, before you start yelling at me, i truly know that the kick sucked, but i was able to lodge my foot in his head forcing it to come off, by the time the foot is in his head, it takes 2 frames for the head to dislodge itself.
Replay of Submission: Sepulcher_1999DM_Decap
Last edited by AaronSasori; Jun 10, 2008 at 06:00 AM.