Original Post
[B]uying full 512
Now buying: full 512 except hands and head, 300k(offer from this price)
Last edited by BenDover; Sep 1, 2011 at 09:02 AM.
Bacon is the answer to all problems.
[Tint] | MMO | RSO | Maker of teh textures.
Sold quicksilver force to guf for 18,000
Dna: I'm buying quicksilver relax, not selling it
Bacon is the answer to all problems.
[Tint] | MMO | RSO | Maker of teh textures.
Sina: it has been sold
Dna: i do not
Now buying: full 52 except hands and head
Bacon is the answer to all problems.
[Tint] | MMO | RSO | Maker of teh textures.