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[DSC] Alpha
Whew, sure took us some time to make this topic...


Long ago, when most of the world was not free, fate had crossed the paths of several lone warriors.
These fighters quickly learned that they had quite a few things in common; things which made them stand out from the crowd.
Among those things were their love for the art of Wushu, their unorthodox style and the way they carried themselves.
As the bond between them grew stronger, they have decided to declare themselves a new clan.
"Alpha" was how they named it, after the strongest and most dominant specimens in nature.
Few and proud, Alpha fighters dominate servers to this day, always on the lookout for those worthy to join in their circle.


Odlov (current leader)

Clan Aim:

To compete, to inspire, to have fun.
Last edited by Odlov; Jun 7, 2008 at 10:40 AM.
Originally Posted by Gish View Post
yay alpha is up that took a long time but u need more members

From the looks of it, we don't :P

The new clan rules thread doesn't say anything about 7 people limit anymore.

That limit was what kept us from becoming official for so long.
This have been long awaited!, itīs been great to bash with alpha, and finally we can also bash it official /StabZ
Last edited by StabberZ; Jun 7, 2008 at 11:18 AM.
Good luck Odlov...
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