Originally Posted by
I resent this...
Step 1: Its not like I'm telling you to jump off a bridge with a rock tied to your head. (Btw can you do that for me?)
Step 2: Ew. Why would you waste hard earned money on something that will cost just as much as a mac to fix in the first 3 years of owning it.
Step 3: You can do that easily for Mac.
Step 4: Ew? Why would you play on a PC? (Yes, that is what she said.)
1: Done. Base jumping ftw.
2: Had a laptop for 6 years, got a new one cause... well cause I wanted a new one and I loaded the old one up with too many games.
3: Yes, but it's
much easier on a PC.
4: Cause it's what PC's are great at? Ironic question is ironic. (For those who don't understand, asking why you'd play something on a PC only shows the strength of the PC vs. the weakness of the Mac where gaming is concerned.)
Bam. Had enough son? ;)
Also, I didn't mean to insult when I said not to listen to you, I merely meant that your intent concerning Macs was incorrect.
However, if you'll look closer, there is nothing to resent. You mentioned your Mac "sucks dick" and I stated that people should not listen to you.
You've resented the one person who backed you. Way to bite the hand that feeds.