Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[UNCE] Preferred Servers
The purpose of this thread is for everybody to familiarize with each others' preferred servers and gametypes. I realized that there are now 120 servers to play on, so seeing another member from [UNCE] in-game is growing increasingly rare. Hopefully this thread will change that. Please post your name, what servers you're usually on, and when.

Name: FriedRice

Favorite Servers:
12-Taek Kyon

Normal online time: 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. GMT - 4:00

Name: Masterppv
Servers: Jousting and sumo
Time: on vacation

You can use this post as a model. Be sure to indicate the number of the server, because different servers can host the same gametype.
Last edited by Beeh; Jun 29, 2008 at 03:43 AM.
Right now, I go to the

96 - Predator server (it's like, instagibfeet wushu )
65 - unce server
wushu server - ones with people in it.
Judo server - ones with people in it.

And I try to find other uncers and join in with them :]

Online time: 10am - 9pm, GMT +10:00

I'm obviously not on the whole time, but I should be in there for at least 3 hours everyday (I'm on holidays). But I have to finish off homework, so I might not be on as often.
[A L P H A]
Im so bad at wushu

but i usully go on the taekkyon ones kickbox/betabox judo and the new double frames classic
Servers: Jousting and Sumo servers
Time: On vacation at the moment, will edit once I get back. In the meantime, you'll mostly see my friend Smashfan1 in my place, who decided to get an account for the duration of my vacation.
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!