Do you have at least one of each texture?
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Full 128, 29k
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
1.5k each and we would have a sexy ass deal

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
MegaCash, gtfo..

And besides 29k for 19 items...That's more than 1.5k each =/
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
No mocro

Eh, screw it, ill buy them for 1.6k each but can you tell me how many you have so I can multiply it by 1600 to get the total to send you

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Full 128 is off limits for now....Takin' some pics with it etc but I doubt you care.
Anyways...There are 32 textures and 32x1600 = 51200.:3