Original Post
[S] selling deactivated
i sell my full deactivate....
-SOLDAqua Blood
SOLD-Aqua Relax
SOLD-Copper Primary Gradient
SOLD-Copper Secondary Gradient
SOLD-Flame Particle Texture
SOLD-Hunter Relax
SOLD-Ivory Emote
SOLD-Left Hand Texture
SOLD-Right Leg Texture
SOLD-Supernova DQ
SOLD-Supernova Emote
SOLD -Supernova User Text
SOLD-Neptune Emote
SOLD-Neptune Timer
SOLD-Neptune User Text

-Noxius User Text
-Gladiator Left Leg Motion Trail
-Gladiator Right Leg Motion Trail
-4xShaman Primary Gardient
-4xShaman Secondary Gardient

Last edited by tyler112; Sep 16, 2011 at 04:15 PM.
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Hunter Relax - 9.5k
Left Hand Texture - 1k
Right Leg Texture - 1k
Supernova User Text - 1.2k
Noxius User Text - 500tc
Last edited by Owl; Sep 15, 2011 at 09:40 PM.
more for hunter lax

left hand and right leg texture for 3k

noxious usertext 1k
supernova user text 1.5k
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Originally Posted by tyler112 View Post
more for hunter lax

left hand and right leg texture for 3k

noxious usertext 1k
supernova user text 1.5k

left hand and right leg texture for 2.2k
noxious usertext 800tc
supernova user text 1.3k
trau dem market nich der ist viel zu überteuert ;)
hunter lax ist um die 7-10k wert
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
aber ich brauch tc... ich will mich in marketing starten deswegen biete ma was hoch oder helf mir ma bitte weiter zu kommen in der nächsten zeit pls ...
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3