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Let's Play Dragon Quest: Swords!
This is a great game for the wii. You ALL said it upon purchasing a wii.

"They should make a game where you actually have freehand sword motion! That would rock!"

I don't normally make "let's play" threads, but this game is just too epic to ignore. With a great story line, great gameplay, and GREAT replayability, what's NOT to love?
I have that game, the wii-mote makes for a sexy attacking thing...I hit my cousin in the head once and he started bleeding :O
Hey you, chicken stew.
Yeah....ya know that disclaimer before a game comes on? The one that says to make sure you are not surrounded by people or objects? Read it.

And also, I don't do big arm motions. It would get tiring after a while. I am a wrist flick kind of guy.
lol nice. Does flicking your wrist make some epic decapitations? =P
[Triforce]SilentStrike –=:2nd dan Blackbelt:=–

Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
My old mac used to pick up radio when I touched the audio cable to my braces.

Only offline. A single play through will take a little over 10 hours, but then you spend another 5 hours getting better ranks, another 3 hours on the mirror bosses.

THEN, there is a new special game mode unlocked to spend all that time over again. And you will always want to come back to this game.

I give it 9/10
really? I didn't think it was THAT great. But it is pretty awesome. I only gave 9/10 because of lack of online co-op play which would have been epic.