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Internet the 'cure' to racism?
Is it?

Based on how you communicate with people without knowing almost anything about them, over the internet, the one thing that racists generally rely on to 'validate' their opinions of other races is null and void. Skin color is not applicable to the internet.

If we were to take 500 racist people, and a mix of other races they hate(double blind, however, it would be needed to tell the other races not to expose their race), and made them interact with one another, let them form relationships and become friends, then reveal the differences in race by having them meet in a controlled environment in real life. Would the fact that they were exposed to the fact that everyone is pretty much the same remove the hate planted by ones environment in childhood?

Would having this study be considered unethical and damaging?

I have to come up with some sort of study for statistics(and actually do it), so I'd like some opinions to perfect this.
This is a good idea. However their is one flaw. If a racist ask (which most do) what color you are, then the study is down hill. Then again that's just a theory; if that does not happen I see this working out for the better.
I really do wish this study was more realistic. It's not unethical, but people on the Internet rarely get along, unless their not jerks or trolls to begin with. I would guess that being racist isn't exactly trolling, it's just mean.

Now, being friends, it wouldn't really be a problem, cause it's O.K. But 99% percent of the Internet is usually anonymous, and trolls do take that as the upper-hand. Unfortunately, hate spurs more hate, because if Anti-Racist people were to go against trolls, they would be no different.

Being a troll, and using racism as a method of attack, people are going to react, and that is what the troll wants.

If anything, the method would involve that racism is in the past, forget it, or do not react AT ALL.

Also, the 500 racist people, their defined to be racist, and ask racist questions IF they're trolls. Maybe if you have 500 nice people would work, but not exactly what we want...

I'll leave it at that. Thought it is possible, it would be beyond impossible to completely extinguish racism.
Originally Posted by MajorKitty View Post

uhm, what?
Why do you even bring trolls into this discussion? That does not make any sense at all.
Hyde is proposing an experiment where 500 people with certain political positions and heritages get together in a controlled environment in order to interact with each other anonymously through a network.
How they interact with each other is part of the experiment.
Sure, trolls would be part of the statistic. So fucking what?

Would be amusing if something like that could crack the ignorance of a truly fundamental idiot. But I highly doubt that.
I'm sorry, trolls are not the only ones who are racist..?

I guess it is required to pretend to be someone else, then reveal who you are later?
That would not always go well...

It would be like saying that I'm a rapist in disguise, pretending to be the average person.
Prehaps people would still stick to the first I.D.?

Although, I assure you, I am not a rapist. But how would tell the difference anyhow? :3

...Hey, I do think the anonymous illusion would work quite well.
Last edited by MajorKitty; Sep 24, 2011 at 04:30 PM. Alot of people use the internet and a couple million are racists. How do i know?

Well i dont want to post the link cuz Im scared :S

In my whole internet life i would say i would have met about 100-200 racist. And it didn't go well, even with people backing me up.

If I find a racist or if a racist find me I tell him my skin is black. I like looking for fights. Some fights you may not win others you will. Besides if its there opinion then let them be. Let them get there ass's kicked by "us"
Your signature has been banned because it draws in hate. Thank you, Toribash Community.
To be honest, I like having racists around so I can call them assholes for being racist :P

Vox Moderated Message:
This is a useless post, continuing to make posts like these can get you an infraction.
Last edited by Vox; Sep 24, 2011 at 07:25 PM.
<Bubbyzane> As a 16 year old, Canadian, cKy fan, and a gamer, I can honestly say I know the exact definition of cool.

The Internet Sure is Weird, Huh?

Vox Moderated Message:
This is a useless post, continuing to make posts like these can get you an infraction.
Last edited by Vox; Sep 24, 2011 at 07:26 PM.
I don't think this is true. Because the person behind the computer racist or not will look at the person on the other end as just another person. The person will think of the other by his username, and will remember him like that. It is just another person. He wouldn't know if it is a chinese or japanese or any other. So if he doesn't know, he won't react negatively and woouldn't be racist. But if he webcams, then they will know and act negatively.
Purity Of Essence
That's the point, Dynomite. They unknowingly befriend a person of a race they hate and then go and meet irl to find out that the person was actually a race he hated and be mindfucked because he's friends with them.

I don't think it would have much effect on a racist person though, tbh. If you're racist you're already closed minded enough to assume a few traits over a huge amount of people, or even just hate them for no reason.