Original Post
[Tex] Emo Armor Set
My first gimp-made set. i couldnt Have the torso, which is a HUGE part, due to the fact i did not have the Tc to buy them. C&C Please. Also Price range, for i might sell this.

Also, for another view, just /dl and /lp me.
Bacon is the answer to all problems.
[Tint] | MMO | RSO | Maker of teh textures.
take ghost off when taking snaps also when taking snaps opt uke and use shaders

set overall around a 6 because the hair isnt properly shaded and the hat isnt mapped correctly
It's kind of boring, I'm not sure how the whole hand turned out from the bad angle, but from what I can see, the hand is my favorite thing in this whole set.
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3