In life, a persons mind is everything. Whatever you start to think and plan on being, you become, or that's what I believe anyway.

So in terms of life being worth it, it definitely depends on what sort of mindset you plod through life with.
Some people set out thinking that fun and happiness is everything where as to other people that sounds preposterous as they continue their office job career, always overshadowed by an authority figure named "boss".

If what you do makes life worth living for yourself, then life is worth living. If a person feels as if their life has gone far enough and truly believe further living is fruitless, then that's their choice. People will always be opinionated on the subject of suicide, with the majority claiming that it's "bad" but how do you know what was going through their head? Probs a good choice for them, and with that, life was, is and will be worth living.

All dependant on one's mindset and life goals.