Original Post
Insanely cheap two item sale
Dragon secondary ONLY 7K first post gets 11k off shop price!

Amethyst primary ONLY 12K first post gets 13k off shop price!

<Patriotz>: oshi I opened a torrent page and it was old lady pron D: (scared for life)
What was the point in making 2 threads?
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
What? If you want to sell 3 things don't make 2 threads in 5 minutes. Idiot.
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
Originally Posted by A0Xr View Post
What? If you want to sell 3 things don't make 2 threads in 5 minutes.

agreed! Don't do it again, I'll delete them all!

<3 Toribash!

What? If you want to sell 3 things don't make 2 threads in 5 minutes. Idiot.

Actually no you mean dont make 3 threads about the same thing when you can put in one thread.
Last edited by Bombdigidy; Jun 13, 2008 at 02:51 PM. Reason: Yeah thats right
uncalled for.

EDIT: Sorry then, close this mods..
<Patriotz>: oshi I opened a torrent page and it was old lady pron D: (scared for life)