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[Tex] Some Head texture sketches.
'sup , my tablet arrived todays so I amde some sketches.
Don't checked them ingame.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
woah, your sketching skills are nice but it would be nicer if the hair wasnt mirrored to show more of its realistic feel on it. btw, can i try to check the jigsaw head ingame?
Nice,you have time for head sketches but not for my panties ground :o

Tho they are awsome.
Will you color them?
Hmm, they look pretty nice. Now go and make them. When you've finished the jigsaw one, then please PM me, I might want to buy it, as long as you actually want to sell it of course. c:
Tint is sex.
Pra : It's for a friend.

Josh : go test it.

thanks guys.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
it maps perfectly even though bangs can be barely seen. /dl and /lp me to see.

PS: my head is 256 so it might be blurd a bit.
I though you will make a preview without wearing it ingame.

It's for a request so please remove it.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)