Original Post
[Tex] Tribal Design Head

I might sell it soon.
If I get positive CnC, I will.

Size: 512x
Made by: Me
Owner: Me
Lower part of front is rather boring, while back/side part is pretty crowded, either remove a bit of those tribals from back/side or add something on the front.
Also, back looks bad because of the big tribal there, cut it out somewhere so it's not like a stick there.
But overall it's nice compared to stuff i usually see here, even though eyes are horribly generic.
Next time try to make it asymmetric and see how it turns out ;p
It's All About Expansion
I agree with ^Danzos the back/sides look pretty much crowded. Try not to over do it just make it simple or a different color.
Just a guy that loves speed and adventure.. I'm Bleuigen
cool head but there are few thing you should add into this texture like adding something in the back of the head and add few detils in the front of the head. 8.5/10
[B]512X512 head texture 19k and less, PM me if you selling one.