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[VID] Hoodie Ninja
Hey guys.I decided to make a movie again,this time with a song chosen by TamaKuu since it's about him.I thought the song was pretty random and funny
at the same time so I said "Let's give it a crack!"

Here it is,feel free to say anything as long as it has good grammar and it's
meant to be serious,I will take it in consideration.

I play games and lift weights.
Well, it was awesome! Just hated the song :/
Well it was pretty funny to watch also

Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Well, it was awesome! Just hated the song :/
Well it was pretty funny to watch also


That was the point of it :]

It isn't a serious video at all,you can judge that when you hear the song.

Thought I'd give it a shot and see what people have to comment about it.
I play games and lift weights.
awesome 10/10 i love the song and the video nice work dude
The fighter will fight anyone who harms him or his family nor clan members.The fighter will not give up until he or his opponent dies.That warrior is ME.
Sync was great, editing was smooth but simple enough. You still need a bit work on freecam movement, but still the video was nice.
Replays was Good, Effect good,transitions not that bad but u can still improve and vary teh transitions, ur cam work is a bit slow but it don't kill teh vid that much
overall 7/10.
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
before an enraged Fnugget comes in here to comment,


<FNugget> IM PISSED. How can there be so many people that say theres sync in shitty videos
<FNugget> Is there sync in there? Why am I the only one ever to go HOLY SHIT FUCK NO THERE ISNT

you have triggered one hell of a case of tourettes

catchy song though
now i cant get it out of my head

No. No , there's no readily apparent sync.
No actions or transitions happen at the end of each rap line.
Some things do happen right on the bassline, but so many times it doesn't that it doesn't really show. I have to pay close attention to the beats by tapping a pencil (to this song? HAH) in order to notice any sync.
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
11(how you liek dat i modified it :u)/10
No. No , there's no readily apparent sync.
No actions or transitions happen at the end of each rap line.
Some things do happen right on the bassline, but so many times it doesn't that it doesn't really show. I have to pay close attention to the beats by tapping a pencil (to this song? HAH) in order to notice any sync.

I...have no words.
But thanks for the criticism I guess
I play games and lift weights.