Original Post
Clan video :D
yes i know there was one befor and thats al well and good but where's the movie *looks around* >.>

Now i was reading this CLICK DIS NOAW
and i thought we might want to enter in for it . Of course anyone who submited replays that were used or other helpful stuff (logo's, music, effects, etc...) would get a share

and we could donate money to the clan fund and such so wahd so you say :P

[suggestion] say yes [/suggestion]
Last edited by Madgecko11; Jun 18, 2008 at 05:22 PM.
Now with 100% less angst
Ill supply you guys with some pics logos and other random evil stuff ive had lying around on my computer for a long time.
It may be really old though so please bear with me, also I'm upload them to my photobucket give me 30 minutes or an hour.. or maybe a day..
mmk, done!
Well, I know theres more But it's hard to dig up.
Here look through my entire photobucket and look for all the evil stuff.
It will be a big help.
Last edited by tertywerty; Jun 19, 2008 at 06:45 AM.