Original Post
Not very active in summer.
Just letting you know I'm not very active in summer, June, July and August.
Jepoy, I understand when you give my adviser rank to someone else, but don't kick me or something. XD
Maybe some other people who are not very active in summer should post here too!!
Clan: DAT
Experience: Since 1.6 or before.
Well, just that makes basically all of us I hope, because well....summer is SUMMER! But heck I'm not leaving my laptop home to dust ;)
lol, i'm on vacation from the 17 july till begining august...
ipod touch soon iphone XD
Thanks for informing us And I wouldn't remove you because your a old member of DAT ;) And lol, Classes just started this JUne while there in your country is summer.. Our summer is April and May :o March starts the vacation..