Original Post
-Left Tricep Texture
-Beetle User Text
-Vampire DQ
-Vampire Ghost
-Bronze Blood
-Full Gladiator
-Tyrian Torso
-Sphinx User Text
-Bronze Timer

- left tricep text - 1400
- beetle user text - 500
- vamp dq - 400 tc
- vampire ghost - 700
- bronze blood - 1200
-full glad - 1k
-tyrian torso - 500
-sphinx user text - 200 tc
-bronze timer - 500 tc

6,300 tc for all
Selling tc via paypal , pm me
- left tricep text - 1700tc
- beetle user text - 800tc
- vamp dq - 600tc
- vampire ghost - 1000tc
- bronze blood - 2000tc
-full glad - 2400tc
-tyrian torso - 800tc
-sphinx user text - 1000tc
-bronze timer - 800tc
In all honesty, does full glad hold any value?? No1 uses it and the ones that do are either hardcore noobs or hardcore pros that areto pro for expensive parts. Full glad is just an achievement(and not a great one) and in don't you think paying 2.2k for the full glad cheevy is too much? My last offer is 1.9, the happy medium and where we both make compromise
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3