Original Post
undo-ing a spinning globe toribash texture on GIMP
The title explains it.

I'm using GIMP 2 to make a head for Toribash. I succeded, and made a good head that someone wanted to buy off me for TC.

It turns out i cant just give it to him as a circle. I saved over that one. How do i make it UNDO from a spinning globe to a regular flat surface like before.

All because i saved over the .png one to make it spinny to show it for sale xD.

then he offered me 3k TC for it so i asked on Yahoo! Answers.

Turns out you can do it, and he has done it before, but he cant remember how. I experimented for over 20 mins but i cant find it.

Note: I also have photobucket if i can un-do it on there?
Last edited by pzychoboy; Jun 21, 2008 at 01:46 AM. Reason: more info