Original Post
Pzycho series
Here i will post my Pzycho replays, keep in mind that i'm no pro and you may edit the replays and post 'em here

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Re: Pzycho series
I guess people don't pretty much like it, but i'm still gonna post them. Btw, you could atleast say if it's good or not, i want opinions
Attached Files
Pzycho 3.rpl (65.3 KB, 21 views)
Re: Pzycho series
Ok, i'm back with my psycho pzychoes bloodymess because i bought my Toribash key and PLEASE post your opinions, I WANT TO IMPROVE

P.S. I rendered this one into a POV video and it's FRIGGIN' HUGE, so i'm thinking of a way to make it smaller to post it in YouTube
Attached Files
Pzycho 4.rpl (72.2 KB, 13 views)