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Applications for ranks!
Hope this is good DJ .

Only people that have worked hard and are showing great activity will be accepted.

Leader: ~no spots~
Moderator: ~one spot(right DJ?)~
War decisioner: ~one spot~
War generals: ~2 spots open~
Elite member: ~idk 3 open?~
Senior member: ~same as above~

Application format:
What rank:
How long have you been in Pure:
Are you active?:
Why do you think you deserve this spot?:
What would you do?:

Applications will be answered within 24 hours!
Name : Eustass
What rank : Moderator
How long have you been in Pure : 1-2 days
Are you active? : I active forever on Forums
Why do you think you deserve
this spot? :
Because i never be moderator, so i want to try
What would you do? : I will edit Member List or other and i can protect your clan from Spam

Last edited by Eustass; Nov 22, 2011 at 07:18 AM.
Originally Posted by Eustass View Post
Name : Eustass
What rank : Moderator
How long have you been in Pure : 1-2 days
Are you active? : I active forever on Forums
Why do you think you deserve
this spot? :
Because i never be moderator, so i want to try
What would you do? : I will edit Member List or other and i can protect your clan from Spam


I havent beeen much on the pure forum lately but as far as i know u joined not long ago. So liek moderator straight away?U should probably earn it first. U never been a moderator? I think we need someone with experience in that case.
Me Gusta
I like your style lumpy, But the leader spot is fulfilled for now.

there isn't a need for another moderator tbh, you have it handled well, but you're going a little power crazy.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Lol, ask anyone they think that too. Im not powercrazed as much as I "overwork". Lol. You are still leader right? You better be xD!
Application format:
Name: Tsukiomi
What rank: senor member or elite if your gitty
How long have you been in Pure: damn long
Are you active?: yea,
Why do you think you deserve this spot?: cause, ive been here for a while now. longer than most
What would you do?: be happeh
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