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[Discussion] Topic Discussions
For lack of a better title... :P

How does it work?
Every week a certain topic will be selected. This may be something related to the clan, world news, or other games. Topics can be nominated by members, this will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. If Simon requests a topic before Ynvaser, Simon's topic will be discussed this week, and Ynvaser will have to try again next week. Do not suggest a topic previously discussed. If this is world news/important information, cite your sources.

Think of these as debates. Ex. If you don't like Granate's favorite game, you better damn well be able to say why, and that you don't. But good luck with that, Gran's a gaming vet.

Topics Discussed:
  • Video Games. What is your favorite? What do you prefer to play video games on? What kinds of games? What games do you dislike? Why? Ratings of the games you played? Top 10 games? Why are they your Top 10?

Starting off with Video games.

Favorite: Savage 2.
Why?: Savage 2 has the greatest mix of genres ever. RTS, FPS, RPG, and yet it is all multiplayer and even includes an amazing melee combat system. It is a great game I would recommend to anyone.
Console: Computer gaming all the way. Unless you want to get your mother raped by every member of the Xbox Live community. (Granate08 )
What Genres?: Strategy, RTS more specifically, FPS, Indie games are nice.
Disliked Games: I'm not too sure. So far, I've gone through my life without buying games I dislike, but I'd say the worst I've played is Assault Cube/HoN/Duke Nukem Forever.
Why?: AssaultCube just sucks in general. Few weapons, shit graphics, shit maps, but is good if you want to waste 10 minutes or so. HoN just didn't make sense to me. I realize that it is a good game, but I just don't take to it. Duke Nukem was pretty bad. Go around yelling shit and shooting stuff with rockets. Bosses were easy, units were easy, they failed in general.
Last edited by ynvaser; Mar 8, 2012 at 04:37 AM. Reason: :3
Video Games
Favorites: Morrowind, Gothic 2
Why?: There are 2 kinds of games. Those, with an athmosphere, and those without one. Morrowind and Gothic 2 belong to the first kind. The thrilling story, the depth, and the feeling were unique in both titles, and they made a deep impression nonetheless. They were like a good book, I just couldn't put them down until the very end.
Console: PC. Had a PS2, but consoles are useless for anything but fighting games.
What Genres?: RPG (No MMOs, screw those.), FPS (those with an emphasis on skill and gameplay, rather than flashy graphics.), RTS (brain usage FTW).
Disliked Games: None, really.
Why?: I rarely experiment with new games. When I do, I usually choose games I'm sure I would like.
Last edited by ynvaser; Nov 23, 2011 at 09:58 PM.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
Why?: There are 2 kinds of games. Those, with an athmosphere, and those without one. Morrowind and Gothic 2 belong to the first kind. The thrilling story, the depth, and the feeling were unique in both titles, but they made a deep impression nonetheless. They were like a good book, I just couldn't put them down until the very end.

Have you played any of the Assassin's Creed games by any chance? I have a feeling you'd like them.

Originally Posted by DisBwoYY View Post
What Genres?: FPS mostly. Rarely RPGs. RTS all the time!


Do you play TF2? Urban Terror? <--- Just got Urban Terror.
Last edited by alert242; Nov 23, 2011 at 09:56 PM.
Favorites: Toribash, Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Why?: Toribash is a game where you can meet lots of new people and make new friends. I am a social person so I like to meet, chat and have fun with people. Amnesia is my second choice because it scares the shit outta me. xD And I think it has an awesome storyline.
Console: PC and Xbox 360. I don't use the Xbox often.
What Genres?: FPS mostly. Rarely RPGs.
Disliked Games: The impossible game.
Why?: It's impossible.. and addicting.
Snaykie#0020 GG
Favorites: All Assassin's Creed series and games like this.
Why? Because this game has action, strategy, a VERY GOOD story and lots of looping in the storyline. I like confuse stories.
Console: (I'm posting all the consoles that I have and the consoles that I think I still have) PC, Play Station 2, Play Station 1 and Master System EVOLUTION II.
What Genres? Action, FPS with a bit of strategy, Plataform, and adventure.
Disliked games: Let's Tap
Why? What's funny in tapping boxes?
Assassin's Creed was good until 2. Brotherhood and Revelations are boring (easy), but I can't say it doesn't have an amazing storyline.

Strategy, w00t w00t!
Favorite: BF 3, Skyrim, CoD MW2, CS:S, AC: 2, SC: II
Why?: Well, bf 3 is somewhat like a mix of CoD and Arma 2. It resembles cod with the crazy shooting and arma 2 because it is somewhat like a war simulator. Skyrim because i'm starting to like RPG's and YOU GET TO KILL FUKIN DRAGONS WITH A SWORD. CoD, because of the trickshots and quickscoping. CS:S it takes skill to play online which makes it fun and there are no noob tubers. AC:2 because, its story and gameplay is less bland than the first. SC II because i love RTS games and the online of this is quite fun.
Console: PC and PS3 i play equally on both.
What Genres? FPS, RTS, RPG, 3rd person (not sure what genre this is)
Disliked games:
Top 10 Games:

1. Savage 2
2. Half-Life 2
3. Assassin's Creed 2
4. Halo 2
5. Team Fortress 2
6. Minecraft
7. Uberstrike
8. Mortal Kombat
9. DOA (all)
10. COD MW3
I forgot to put Halo in there :P btw my friend has currently about 6 world records in Halo speedrun and he is an invincible player. His name in halo is zusaij if you want to try to beat him. Theres a video of him and two of his brothers playing and yes, he made the video himself.
Snaykie#0020 GG