Original Post
[S] WooHoo Flame
Wohoo flame
Forged by Dave on 2009-10-25 22:05:22 for the Chest (1181).

TC or items for this flame.

I will haggle. Forged somewhere in the 100ks. It's pink and yellow.

Dl me to see the flame (I don't know how to get my screenshots uploaded).

Seen best on a dark shader. Or Dark blocks on mods.

By nolanrulestb

By nolanrulestb

By nolanrulestb at 2011-11-24

By nolanrulestb at 2011-11-24
Last edited by Nolanrules; Nov 25, 2011 at 06:02 PM.
Please add an image within 24 hours or I will have to close your thread. Take your image and upload it to a site like imageshack.