Originally Posted by Shakky View Post
But who says that mods like TK or KB are Skill or can be esport?! whats about a mod like quick aikido, big dojo without breaks?

When I picture competitive online Toribash, I think of aikido. It's basically the closest to pure talent in multiplayer you'll get to be honest.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

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Depends on what you consider skill. I consider being able to react well to losing a joint as good a skill as being able to force a disqualification. Aikido is a good mode for demonstrating skill in momentum and body control, but I'd say that TK is a good mode for demonstrating skill in both joint destruction and joint protection, and both are good modes to demonstrate the ability to predict enemy attacks and defense based on enemy positioning. While aikido does have more time for the game to drag out, thus eliminating the effect a good opener can have on the game's outcome, TK does have the instant gratification for a spectator because of it's short play time and high rate of dismemberment.

Though in all honesty, I still believe the freestyle mod to have been the most skill based :s
nyan :3
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