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[Pyro] Recruitment Thread

If you would like to join Pyro make an application below.
Applications are freeform but make sure to share key information.
Show us that you would be dedicated and what you would do if you joined along with your belt, rank, skills, best mods stuff.

Example Application

Last edited by TMSM; Dec 12, 2011 at 02:52 AM.
Clan leader of [Pyro].
apply here to join.
May I Join PyroManiacs Plz I Actually Burned Meh Finger On Purpose I Love Fire And My Real Name Is Kwon I Can Bring Head Texturing And Wushu And Taekyonn Skills To This Clan.
My account name is Noobonator but my real name is Mario. My time zone is -5:00 GMT. I am an active player and would really enjoy being in your clan. I have pretty good leadership attributes. When someone needs something done, you can count on me to take action. I enjoy soccer, baseball, running/biking, and attempting to make mods for Toribash (I am not very skilled at that.) I am only available every other day, but that may change soon. Thank you for letting me apply and I hope you accept me.
@DarkSplinter: What belt, Timezone etc? Might wanna redo your app.

@Noobonator: The board is still discussing you. What are your past clans and have you tried making one? What belt?
Clan leader of [Pyro].
apply here to join.
Hi, my name is Jack... my name Toribash acount is caled temp0. My time zone is East or something... i live in massachusetts tho... Im not like the other kids who wrote replys... i dont burn myself... but things i chould do, well, i play akido alot and wushu. i also make cool heads and body texturs. I hope u like TMSM...

ur pal, temp0
well, i thout i will have to right more, so... im now a blue belt and good at running as well. i will help with the clan when needed... i will be honored to join this clan and will go to every clan war (if im online) and will stay active on the forums.

ur pal again, temp0
Last edited by Temp0; Dec 3, 2011 at 07:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I like your application temp0. You get a yes from me. You just need one more yes and your in.
Clan leader of [Pyro].
apply here to join.
Congrats temp0 you made the clan since you got a yes from 2 people. Im not gonna add you to tech cause I'm trying to get it disbanded today but ill add you to the list on the forums page. Have fun and try to stay active on the forums.
Clan leader of [Pyro].
apply here to join.
Hi my name is barraki22 i am 13 i am a brown belt and my rank is 10691 and my Qi is 548. I really want to join this clan because i want to be well know and I've never been in a clan. i am really good, my win % is 26.82 my good mods are aikido and other things like forum activity is about 8 and my in-game activity is 9. I'm really good person to recruit. my hobbies are playing xbox, toribash, and modding things.

I'm what Willis was talkin about
B Man439510 (xbox gamertag)
Originally Posted by barraki22 View Post
Hi my name is barraki22 i am 13 i am a brown belt and my rank is 10691 and my Qi is 548. I really want to join this clan because i want to be well know and I've never been in a clan. i am really good, my win % is 26.82 my good mods are aikido and other things like forum activity is about 8 and my in-game activity is 9. I'm really good person to recruit. my hobbies are playing xbox, toribash, and modding things.


Fuck No!!! I've seen you make this application for like 4 different clans and it's the same exact thing. If you can't make an original app who knows if you know how to load the game!!! Also 26.82 win percentage is the worst I've ever seen in my life. It's people like you who don't even deserve a clan! Most of you people don't even read the clan thread or check back to see if your accepted again. TMSM out.
Clan leader of [Pyro].
apply here to join.