Original Post

Welcome to the clan [Phantom] recruition center.

If you would like to join [Phantom] then please post here. You must be BLACK belt or higher to join [Phantom]. Proper grammar and a good knowledge of how to write in english are always looked upon. Posts that do not follow this format will be skipped. (Excluding the posts before this edit.)

When posting please tell us your:

Favorite mod:
How long you been playing:
Time Zone:
Why you want to join:
Last edited by OfPhailure; Oct 18, 2008 at 08:46 AM.
KPenguin12, Orange Belt (nearly green), favourite mod is jousting. PLZ can i join!!!
Last edited by KPenguin12; Jun 28, 2008 at 07:05 PM. Reason: Coz i really wanna Join!!!
The name's Geast. I'm a blue belt. My faves are aikido, and the mod w/ circular dojo and no DQ (it's called ninjutsu, I think.) I've been playing for two weeks. I can't be very active coz I'm only allowed to play during weekends. Time zone's GMT +8. The reason why I want to join is because I met some of your members in-game and thought that this clan is really cool. Can I join?
Last edited by Geast; Jul 1, 2008 at 12:06 PM. Reason: Additional info filled.
Also we a looking for members with a reasonable amount of skillz. Even if you were brown or higher you arent guaranteed a position cause you quite well could just plain suck. Also maybe for instance you are a good tb player and have good skillz, you have got to be a nice person, you cant just be a huge [Insert naughty insulting word here]. So make a good impression on us. Have skillz and be TOTALLY AWESOME
Favorite mod:Jousting and good at it
How long you been playing:for about a month, don't really know.
Time Zone:I don't know
Why you want to join:I want to join because I'm looking for a good clan.Some friends said this was a good clan.And I wish to join.If you accept, this will be my second time i been in a clan.

PS:Will you send a message if there is tryouts, or if i get accepted?
Last edited by OfRampage; Jul 11, 2008 at 09:45 PM.
Rampaging isnt the only thing im good at ;)
>>6th dan<<
Good luck to you AndresB, although you may want to skill up in something other than jousting as we do not play it very often. And when we do, it's usually reverse jousting.
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was
okay now I'm a black belt now.
I'm good at wushu
I've been playing for 1 week.(my mistake i said a month ;p)

PS:I relax fight and limp fight, no more holding.
Rampaging isnt the only thing im good at ;)
>>6th dan<<
okay cool, you'll need to speak with ofphailure to see able testing if you havent done so already. Also its not a bad thing to hold sometimes.
Aslask: link8: Do you know what the soviet union is? Or was
Marco: link8: do you know what a carrot is? Or was