4169 8128 4853
is there anybody online ever in this game

ok i challenge everybody in europe at tb-wii .... my rank/belt wont go up since there is nobody online when i take a look. and if i find a match they ALLWAYS ragequit after 1 or 2 matches . guys you wont learn much about gameplay if you quit after the first round. if you want to gain experience, stay in and try as hard as you can! ....

name is Twobeer btw.
Last edited by onid2010; Dec 30, 2011 at 12:00 PM. Reason: im geting bored waiting for a good challenge....
Originally Posted by onid2010 View Post
4169 8128 4853
is there anybody online ever in this game

ok i challenge everybody in europe at tb-wii .... my rank/belt wont go up since there is nobody online when i take a look. and if i find a match they ALLWAYS ragequit after 1 or 2 matches . guys you wont learn much about gameplay if you quit after the first round. if you want to gain experience, stay in and try as hard as you can! ....

name is Twobeer btw.

yea thats me .... who dares to challenge me
Originally Posted by onid2010 View Post
yea thats me .... who dares to challenge me

Did you just answer your own question? And I dare to challenge you. My friend code is in my signature.
Drakoid FC:0088 9594 3564 - Feared
i would like to play with u Drakoid but since ur countrycode is US i dont think we have much chance to meet ingame.

oh yea and i replied myselfe because i wanted to be at the end of thread!